London Chest Specialist

Dr Ricardo José


A chest doctor experienced in the assessment of:

Breathlessness I Cough I Wheeze I Chest pain

& related respiratory diseases

Ricardo Jose - Chest doctor
Top Doctors
  • Are you feeling breathless?
  • Do you have a cough that won’t go away?
  • Does your chest feel tight?
  • Are you wheezy?
  • Do you have chest pain or discomfort?
  • Do you have a chest infection that isn’t clearing?
  • Have you had more than 2 chest infections in a year?
  • Are you worried about your lung health?
  • Do you need a second opinion?

Dr Ricardo José can help you

As a chest doctor, Dr José helps people with different respiratory symptoms including shortness of breath, cough, chest pain and wheeze

He is frequently sought after to provide a second opinion on the diagnosis and management of chest infections,  bronchiectasissuspected immunodeficiency, chronic cough, unexplained breathlessness and pulmonary complications of cancer therapy

Personalised Care

Based on what matters to you and your needs

Expert Knowledge

Years of experience helping people with respiratory disease

Leading Hospitals

Access to world class facilities, diagnostics and therapies

If you are concerned about your lung health or you are worried about your respiratory symptoms, get in touch.

Dr. José is a highly specialised chest doctor (pulmonologist) with extensive experience in the diagnosis and treatment of lung diseases. As an adult respiratory medicine consultant (Pulmonologist), he serves patients at the Royal Brompton Hospital, the largest Lung and Heart Hospital in Europe, and at Royal Brompton Specialist Care at 77 Wimpole Street and The London Clinic, the largest private hospital in the UK located in the Harley Street Medical Area. Dr. José has earned multiple awards and is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians. He is also a member of Top Doctors UK, an elite group of leading medical professionals recognised for their exceptional expertise and patient care. Contact Dr. José today for world-class respiratory care.

British thoracic Society

Specialist Expertise

Top rated reviews

Symptoms of Respiratory Disease

Clinic Locations in London

Royal Brompton Hospital Chelsea
77 Wimpole Street
The London Clinic

Video consultations with a chest doctor

Insurance and self-pay options available

BUPA fee assured

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