Green sputum raises eyebrows and concerns alike. Let’s look into the anatomy, biochemistry, immunology, and cellular biomedicine of sputum to understand its true nature and implications.

What is Sputum?

Often colloquially referred to as phlegm, sputum is not just any mucus. Originating from the lungs and lower respiratory tract, sputum has a unique composition and specific purpose.

Anatomy and Biochemistry

The Production and Role of Sputum

Your bronchial tubes secrete sputum daily. This isn’t a design flaw but a protective mechanism.

Cellular Defence Mechanism

Expectoration and its Significance

Expectoration, or the act of expelling sputum, is essential for clearing out trapped particles and pathogens.

The Mechanism

Coughing and sneezing are reflex mechanisms triggered by the accumulation or irritation caused by excess mucus, helping to clear the airways.

The Spectrum of Sputum Colours and What They Signify

The colour of your sputum provides a window into the health of your respiratory system.

Green sputum and Yellow sputum – The Immune Link

Blood in Sputum – Causes and Implications

Finding blood is a cause for concern, necessitating immediate medical attention. Read here for information about haemoptysis.

Potential Causes of haemoptysis

Factors Influencing Sputum Composition

Several internal and external factors can influence the composition and colour of sputum.

Lifestyle and Environment

Treatment and Prevention

While the body has its defence mechanisms, external interventions are sometimes needed to deal with the cause of excessive sputum production.

Medical Interventions

Preventative Measures


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Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment

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